

Iraqi soldiers &Iraqi National Police

Iraqi soldiers practice urban warfare tactics at an advanced training course in Mosul, led by Soldiers from 5th Battalion,

This is  An Iraqi National Police officer and Soldiers from the 1st Armored Division search a building for terrorists and weapons .

Saturday, 11, Nov | トラックバック(0) | コメント(0) | ARMY | 管理

Sniper Escort

ARMY soldire that has M21 sniper riful.
Really M21 named from M14 sniper type.

Soldier of the U.S. military who advances while receiving the sniper's escort

Wednesday, 18, Oct | ARMY | 管理


Soldier of army who tries to search out terrorist's trench mortar position. The trench mortar is advantageous arms for the terrorist, and the terrorist is assumed to own a lot of trench mortars.

There is a possibility that the RPK machine gun is disposed in the river in front of the trench
mortar position, and it is a soldier who makes a detour because it is a place that the tank doesn't put either.

Wednesday, 04, Oct | ARMY | 管理


Sgt. Daniel Dunlap, 101st Airborne Division, familiarizes himself with the operation of a PK3 9mm sub-machine gun during an exercise near Tikrit, Iraq.
(ダニエル・ダンラップ軍曹(第101空挺師団)は特別訓練の間、ティクリット(イラク)の近くでPK3 9mm短機関銃の扱い方を学んでいる。 )

And Iraq forces also learn how to use gun fire , who
they donot use made in other country guns yet.
But they studied hard abou gun siytems to save
my country and my wife, son, parents etc ...

Saturday, 16, Sep | ARMY | 管理

Log obstacle

A Soldier trainee negotiates a log obstacle on the confidence course during her nine-week basic training program is scene.

Moreover, to become tiredness of physical strength equal with the man, the program might be designed though the female members are introduced to participation of this new member's log.

Friday, 15, Sep | ARMY | 管理

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