


US ARMY Soldiers who fight hard against the terrorist's shooting.But they are helped by Armored vehicle attacked.


The sniper is often in unusual places though foresees and lurks in a good place. Moreover, it is related at the weather and time to traffic.

The mopping-up operation by the U.S. military is done, and the brim of the U.S. military and the support of the armor vehicle are received and damage is stopped to the minimum though it seems that terrorist's shooting and suicide bomb attack happen frequently now.


Saturday, 17, Feb | ARMY | 管理


Iraq soldier who learns, and shoots antitank rifle(M82) from US Army soldier.


Iraq forces never get and shoot points, enemy with US GUN . they usually carries AK47 and combat efficiencies are not necessarily also high.


Then, the purpose was trained to raise their shooting technologies and the
understanding levels for arms of the U.S.

Friday, 09, Feb | ARMY | 管理


A Soldier (left) from the Future Combat Systems, Evaluation Brigade Combat Team, views his screen for unforeseen obstacles during an exercise and live demonstration Feb.

Next generation BDU whom the company named Crye Presicion developed in cooperation with the Department of Defense . This camouflage pattern covers from the desert region to the forest area, is designed in addition in consideration of the effect of NV (night vision) at quantities of light according to the season, time, and the weather, the contrasts, and nighttimes, and has a marvelous camouflage effect.
(Crye Presicionという会社が国防省と共同で開発した次世代BDU.この迷彩パターンは、砂漠地域から森林地域までをカバーし、さらに季節、時間や天気に伴う光量、コントラスト、夜間における対NV(ナイトビジョン)効果までを考慮してデザインされており、驚異的な迷彩効果を持っています)

Monday, 05, Feb | ARMY | 管理


The U.S.Army was a symbol of richness as shown in pleading of children in Japan immediately after the defeat for the chocolate running after the jeep of the occupation army. However, the opposite has occurred it and completely in this Iraq war.


Mary Yahane (Mary Yahne) to be the soldier of Iraq stationing the U.S. military clarifies that soldiers of the U.S. military are given only the water of two bottles of 1.5 liters an inside and a day of 50 intense heats, and are alive in the mail sent to mother in the parents' family in United States and Washington state as it almost eats only portable military food (meal with the aluminum packing made to have it for months how many) from starting the war for five months.

 (イラク駐留米軍の兵士をしているメアリー・ヤハネ(Mary Yahne)が、アメリカ・ワシントン州の実家の母親に送ったメールで、米軍兵士たちが50度以上の酷暑の中、1日に1.5リットルのボトル2本の水しか与えられず、開戦から5カ月間、ほとんど携帯用の軍用食(何カ月も持つように作られたアルミパック入りの食事)だけを食べて生きていることを明らかにしている)

The predicament of the soldier of the U.S. military is not only this. The Department of Defense added monthly sum 250~475 dollar a person to a usual salary as an increase of a special dangerous allowance and the family allowance and had put it out to soldiers who were dispatching soldiers to Iraq and Afghanistan since April 2003. However, it is examined to lose putting further again because there is no budget any longer.


Wednesday, 17, Jan | ARMY | 管理


The 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division who observes it from rooftop in building


It guards basically by two of the machine gun hand and the watch person. When the bullet is loaded while fighting when it is only a machine gun hand, the nature is taken, and the enemy might lose sight, and be counterattacked because there is no cover.

Thursday, 14, Dec | トラックバック(0) | コメント(0) | ARMY | 管理

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