
Public peace maintenance

A Shiite main political party in the 27th in Bagdad Reuters Iraq requested that the public peace maintenance authority was handovered to Iraq for the U.S. military on the 27th.
A lot of remains were found in direct and the mosque of the demand by a Shiite main political party. The investigation was begun, and criticized by cabinet ministers to an Iraqi government in the Shiite mosque made a site for "It is pitiless" murder by the army of the U.S. initiation.
On the other hand, the U.S. military denies Iraq to insist concerning remains. Remains say the one of the militia group that fights against an Iraqi security force and died in the office according to the U.S. military. The U.S. military is assuming that it was not a mosque that the combat was.
The U.S. military strengthened the advertisement of this combat through media of assumption etc. as the result of the strategy of the Iraqi special force that the U.S. military had trained.
The inside and the leader of Shiite to whom other information becomes complicated (complication) are having posture to the U.S. military stiffened thoroughly. The publicist of the main association sect described, "A prompt restoration to an Iraqi government of the public peace maintenance authority is requested".
About 133,000 American soldiers are being stationed in Iraq now.
([バグダッド  ロイターより] イラクのシーア派主要政党は27日、米軍に対し治安維持権限をイラク側に移譲するよう求めた。

Saturday, 01, Apr | トラックバック(0) | コメント(0) | WORLD CCT NEWS | 管理

